
There are several outputs avalable, and are located in the logdispatchr.outputs module.

class logdispatchr.outputs.BaseOutput(filtr='*')[source]

Bases: object

Base class for all outputs.

Parameters:filtr (str) – a shell glob based filter for the keys to be parsed

This method effectively writes the message to the transmission medium. Should be overriden by children

Parameters:message (Message) – A record we wish to send to this output

Method to call when trying to dispatch a Message.

Parameters:message (Message) – A record we wish to send to this output
class logdispatchr.outputs.ConsolePrinter(filtr='*')[source]

Bases: logdispatchr.outputs.BaseOutput

Dumb and useless console message printer. Simply write the raw message on stdout.

Yeah, you probably don’t need it.


Method to call when trying to dispatch a Message.

Parameters:message (Message) – A record we wish to send to this output